Tuesday, 9 August 2016

HDFS Commands

                                   <<<<<<HDFS COMMANDS>>>>>>>>>

hadoop fs ls:

The hadoop ls command is used to list out the directories and files. An example is shown below:

$./hadoop fs -ls input/
Found 1 items
drwxr-xr-x   - hadoop hadoop  0 2013-09-10 09:47 /input/abc.txt

hadoop fs lsr:

The hadoop lsr command recursively displays the directories, sub directories and files in the specified directory. The usage example is shown below:

$./hadoop fs -lsr /user/hadoop/dir
Found 2 items
drwxr-xr-x   - hadoop hadoop  0 2013-09-10 09:47 /user/hadoop/dir/products
-rw-r--r--   2 hadoop hadoop    1971684 2013-09-10 09:47 /user/hadoop/dir/products/products.dat

hadoop fs cat:

Hadoop cat command is used to print the contents of the file on the terminal. The usage example of hadoop cat command is shown below:
hadoop fs -cat input/abc.txt

hadoop fs chmod:

The hadoop chmod command is used to change the permissions of files. The usage is shown below:
hadoop fs -chmod  <octal mode> <file or directory name>
$./hadoop fs -chmod 700 input/abc.txt

hadoop fs chown:

The hadoop chown command is used to change the ownership of files. The usage is shown below:
hadoop fs -chown <NewOwnerName> <file or directory name>
$./hadoop fs -chown hadoop input/abc.txt
hadoop fs mkdir:

The hadoop mkdir command is for creating directories in the hdfs. You can use the -p option for creating parent directories. This is similar to the unix mkdir command. The usage example is shown below:

$./hadoop fs -mkdir -p input/

The above command creates the input directory in /user/ratul directory.
hadoop fs copyFromLocal:

The hadoop copyFromLocal command is used to copy a file from the local file system to the hadoop hdfs. The syntax and usage example are shown below:

hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <source> <destination>


Check the data in local file
> cat sales.txt
2001, htc

Now copy this file to hdfs

$./hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/ratul/sales.txt input/

View the contents of the hdfs file.

$./hadoop fs -cat input/sales.txt
2001, htc
hadoop fs copyToLocal:

The hadoop copyToLocal command is used to copy a file from the hdfs to the local file system. The syntax and usage example is shown below:
hadoop fs -copyToLocal <source> <destination>
$./hadoop fs -copyToLocal input/sales.txt /home/ratul/

hadoop fs cp:

The hadoop cp command is for copying the source into the target. The cp command can also be used to copy multiple files into the target. In this case the target should be a directory. The syntax is shown below:
>hadoop fs -cp <source> <destination>
$./hadoop fs -cp input/sales.txt new/

hadoop fs -put:

Hadoop put command is used to copy multiple sources to the destination system. The syntax for the put command are shown below:

Syntax1: copy single file to hdfs

>./hadoop fs -put home/ratul/abc.txt input/

Syntax2: copy multiple files to hdfs

>./hadoop fs -put home/ratul/abc.txt home/ratul/qwerty.txt /new_folder

hadoop fs get:

Hadoop get command copies the files from hdfs to the local file system. The syntax of the get command is shown below:
hadoop fs -get <source_from_hdfs> <destination_to_local>
$./hadoop fs -get input/abc.txt /home/ratul/

hadoop fs moveFromLocal:

The hadoop moveFromLocal command moves a file from local file system to the hdfs directory. It removes the original source file. The usage example is shown below:
hadoop fs -moveFromLocal <source_from_local> <destination_to_hdfs>
$./hadoop fs -moveFromLocal /home/ratul/abc.txt input/

hadoop fs mv:

It moves the files from source hdfs to destination hdfs. Hadoop mv command can also be used to move multiple source files into the target directory. The syntax is shown below:
hadoop fs -mv <SrcFile> <destinationFile>
$./hadoop fs -mv input/abc.txt input/a/

hadoop fs du:

The du command displays aggregate length of files contained in the directory or the length of a file in case its just a file. The syntax and usage is shown below:

$./hadoop fs -du abc.txt
hadoop fs rm:

Removes the specified list of files and empty directories. An example is shown below:

$./hadoop fs -rm input/file.txt
hadoop fs -rmr:

Recursively deletes the files and sub directories. The usage of rmr is shown below:
$./hadoop fs -rmr input/folder/
hadoop fs setrep:

Hadoop setrep is used to change the replication factor of a file.

$./hadoop fs -setrep - 3 /input/abc.txt

hadoop fs stat:

Hadoop stat returns the stats information on a path. The syntax of stat is shown below:
$./hadoop fs -stat /input/abc.txt
2013-09-24 07:53:04
hadoop fs tail:

Hadoop tail command prints the last 10 lines of the file. 
$./hafoop fs -tail /user/hadoop/abc.txt

12345 abc
2456 xyz
hadoop fs text:

The hadoop text command displays the source file in text format. The syntax is shown below:
hadoop fs -text <src>
$./hadoop fs -text input/abc.txt

hadoop fs touchz:

The hadoop touchz command creates a zero byte file. This is similar to the touch command in unix. The syntax is shown below:
$./hadoop fs -touchz /input/aaa.txt

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